First time i saw this series, i dont get it. later, after 3 times, i got addicted!
i love the characters!.
There are big Family. Jay Pritchett has son and daughter, their name Claire and Mitchell.
Both of his children sudah pada mandiri and have their personal live.
Si papa, alias Jay sudah divorce and re marry dengan gorgeous woman name Gloria yang sudah punya anak cowok bernama manny.
Si Gorgeous Gloria, critanya imigran dari colombia, dia pisah dengan mantan suaminya, alias bokapnya Manny, karena si bokap nih masih suka main-main dan suka bohong.
why i called Si Gorgeous Gloria?, she's hot!, tapi bukan itu aja, background dia yang imigran, tinggal di kawasan kumuh, raise his own son, tollerance and attentionnya yang bikin she's hot characters!.She decide to married Jay, yang sudah kayak bapaknya sendiri, bukan hanya karena uang semata, she want find peace, mau hidupnya lebih nyantai.
Anak Jay yang pertama, claire, marry so young with Phil, yang techno freak.semua barang di rumah mereka, rasanya ada remote controlnya.
They have 3 children, Haley, Alex, and Luke.Each of them so varied in every shape.Haley, paling bodoh, paling cantik, tertua, 15 tahun, easy to freak out!.
Alex?, she's cute, cuma gak dandan banget kayak Haley, she's smarthest.Suka ngerjain kakak dan adiknya.
Luke, the most adorable son oleh Claire, bukan karena cowok saja, tapi innocent.Luke ini teman sekelasnya Manny:) alias his own uncle!.Luke ini masih anak-anka banget, gak sedewasa Manny, suka main-main.Tiba-tiba mudah berubah jadi alien.Pernah suatu kali dia sekamar dengan Manny di hotel, Luke nemuin setrika, karena ada roti, dijadikannya setrika sebagai pemanggang.semua barangnya amburadul, meski sudah di atur Manny. akhirnya Manny ngamuk.
Anak Jay, adik claire, seornang pengacara.Mitchell. Tinggal serumah dengan Cameron.They are gay. They adopt vietnamese baby, named Lily. Both, very concern to Lily.Sakit, kebentur or anything happend to Lily, they panic.
What i like the most watched this series,is about they take and give. No matter how young they just dont care, they love each other and support each other.Manny is closed with his step brother and sister then Luke, his classmate.They dont care their relatives are gay, his grandpa marry young woman, they all just fine with it!.
What we need to learn from Modern family are:
No matter what life style and choices we or other decide to choose, we just support them, as long as it in't destructive.
As family/ friends we just need to care and supportive.
So guys, have you support someone, at least next to you know?
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